Tomatoes going red and some mushrooms

These home grown beauties ripen fast once they start to turn

There were several more that almost made a Fairy Ring…

Our two tomato plants have done quite nicely the past month, giving us, as you can see, some nice fruits. The backyard also was fertile ground, it seems, for quite a few mushrooms that showed up overnight.

Fungus still among us

OK, promise this will be the last time for the fungus among us headline…

The clover leaves will help you judge the size of these mushrooms

Once again the wet conditions seem to have offered a good environment for the growth of a couple of mushrooms. These two popped up under our yard swing. The shade may have helped.

A couple more photos from out front

In the front of Roadtirement’s  “home base” in central Indiana we have a mulched strip on either side of the front door. Here’s a couple of images:

This is a new rose bush that we planted about a week ago. The first rose bud is showing some color. There are two more buds developing to the right of the big one.

There are lots of little mushrooms showing up in the mulch beds. The remnants of maple tree whirligig flying seeds are also in view, along with some unidentified green sprouts of some kind.